Maxwell Young
Skyshot of Wellington, New Zealand



Born and raised in Wellington, New Zealand. Passionate about many creative pursuits, including music, design, film, writing, and coding. This combination of interests is what led me to a relentless hunger to learn in order to express and find harmony in the confusing world we live in.


I primarily work with React and Next.js ecosystem with TypeScript, TailwindCSS for styling, Figma for design and a variety of database solutions. The web is an endless medium of opportunities, and I have yet to scratch the surface.


As a freelance web developer, I am actively seeking new opportunities to expand my experience and deepen my understanding in order to take my skills to the next level.

Other ventures


I release alternative pop music under my own name I write and produce with the assistance of Eddie Johnston.


I help people have fun by DJing parties with my friend Thom.


Currently composing a video game soundtrack.

Radio DJ

I host a monthly web radio show on with the intention of expressing the antitheses of AI generated playlists of streaming services, bespoke collections of songs strung together for no reason but my own emotionality and each songs relation to my life.

Visual Artist

Also working towards becoming a more confident visual artist through directing videos and practicing design.

Select Dev Work

Internal Dashboard App at Spark New Zealand

During my employment at Spark New Zealand, I was tasked with designing and developing the front end of on an internal dashboard application for marketers at Spark New Zealand, and I am particularly proud of my contributions to this project. My role was to design the application in Figma based on an existing PowerBI dashboard, allowing for the inclusion of new helpful information to be displayed from machine learning algorithms and other sources. I also developed the front-end of the application in React and Next.js. Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with the product team and stakeholders to ensure that the application met their needs and was easy to use. I also implemented best practices in software development to ensure that the application was scalable, efficient, and maintainable. Overall, I am proud of my contributions to this project and the positive impact it has had on the productivity and effectiveness of Spark's marketing team.

Tom Crampin Portfolio

A portfolio site for Tom Crampin, a New Zealand based motion designer.

Noid | Twitter Clone

A Twitter clone created using TypeScript, Next.js, Clerk Auth, Tailwind and TRPC. This project was created as a way to learn about TRPC and Clerk Auth. In future I intend to add more features including additional login options, pagination, embedded image uploads, and a more robust UI.

Calender React Native App (WIP)

Building a minimalist and efficient calendar app built with React Native and Expo, designed to simplify schedule management for developers and enhance productivity seamlessly.

All Works

Select Writing

Understanding React Terminology

An article about React concurrency

AI in Development

Exploring the evolving relationship between developers and AI, this article delves into the challenges, benefits, and limitations of AI tools in the development process while emphasizing the importance of complementing AI with deep expertise and continuous learning.

All Writing

Select Visual Work

Lontalius - dontwanna

Music Video for Lontalius

Church - Orange

Single Artwork for Church